Thursday, February 17, 2011


In Home-ec we have just finished the last dish of our project. Myself and Kate made stir fried chicken with cashew nuts. OH MY GOD, it was A-MAZING. hard luck to anyone that didn't try it :) ahaha, it was sooo good! I made it for dinner last night, my family loved it. I plan on making it at the weekend, it is so easy to make aswel. Now myself and Kate have to continue on with our presentation and we should be ready to present to the class tomorrow. Over all I enjoyed doing Thailand as my country and cooking all the nice food. Also looking at what everybody else cooked as well was much fun. I LOVE FOOD. but It was hard to find a nice dessert. I am going to Kate's house today to finish off our presentation! If anyone wants the recipe just comment!:)


In religion at the moment, we are looking at RSE. We were told to bring in various magazines and then discussed the body image that they were giving off in the magazine. In most magazines the picture showed very thin models in elaborate poses. It made us think that this is really not the way the average person is actually like. My teacher always refers back to a certain Jamaican singer about her appearance and the way she performs and acts on stage. It's interesting. We are going to be looking more into it throughout the course. I am looking forward to it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I did not partake in the 'Movement Workshop' as I did not have appropriate clothing pieces.

work experience

In the Ty Programme you do work experience, for my last experience i went to Slim Slim Studio. I found that really interesting and I learned some techniques. This time I'm going to Leixlip Veterinary Hospital. I'm looking forward to this work experience as I am a lover of animals and I think it could be really fun and interesting. I was told to wear nothing fancy as I will be doing alot of cleaning out kennels and animal feeding etc aswel as indoor work. I'm looking forward to going to the vets. I had a hiccup however as I couldnt get any work experience in many vets so I was delighthed to get a vet and so close to my house!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In Mini Company, we have stopped proceeding with our great product 'CanDo' as we dont have sufficient funds to produce it. :\ but I thought the experience of doing it was fun but I wouldnt like to do it again because it was difficult and too much pressure. We are now working on our Business Plan and that's coming along well.

We cooked in Home-ec today. Myself and Kate work very well together and cooked a stupendous dish, if i do say so myself :L I like cooking and I like Home-ec so I think I will do it for Leaving Cert. The dish we made had a kick of coconut to it but it was spicy as well after you started getting into eating it. I would definitely make it again because it was so easy and its so tasty. Myself and Kate have to choose another savory dish and then a sweet dish. We also have to start our presentation and get that all done with. Were doing Thailand! YUM
In Science today, we did experiment were we had to bring in samples of shampoos and then test the Ph of the shampoo. It was a fun experiment and not difficult at all. We are doing Cosmetic Science at the moment. It's interesting!
Since the start of the year we have all been doing tag rugby, were still doing it now and I find it very enjoyable, We did 3 weeks of dancing before Christmas aswel. I found that very cringey, but at the same time fun. We then did 3 weeks of yoga. I enjoyed yoga although it was difficult. I like PE just sometimes I'm not in the mood for it!
In Maths we are doing inequalities but we're moving onto something different next week. I think Transition Year is a great year to learn extra stuff needed for the Leaving Cert. Project maths is new this year and luckily I have a year to adjust to it rather than going from 3rd straight into 5th that's what I think Ty is good for. Were having a algebra quiz on Friday. Something to look forward to!
In Art we are just finishing up on our oil pastel pictures, i drew a camels head, there is alot of yellow,orange,brown,nude colors in my picture. I am happy with it and I think it's going to be hung up with the rest of the pictures by the rest of the girls. I've moved onto pencil sketching my bag. I don't really like art and I've decided not to do it for L.C because I just don't have the patience