On Tuesday my group and I worked more on our outfit, the outfit is coming together fantastic and I like the way they have to fit everything around me as I’m the model for it. In pastoral care our teacher Mrs. K made a mixture of lemongrass and almond seed and we massaged it into our hands, it was nice. In art we are using ink and it’s really fun. In PE we played a tag game and I ran a lot! It was good. In History we looked at the remainder of the landing on the moon, it was very interesting. In double PE, the rugby people returned and we played rugby and practised passes, it was really fun. In music we practised our music chords again on our guitars. We had double Mini Company today and fortunately we got the support of Mrs. B for our Mini Company. In Technology Mr. W helped us with the prototype of the thing we want to make. In Careers we were looking at advertisements. On Monday we practised and improved on our English play. In Music we practised singing again, it was fun. In Science we started our project diary for the BT Young Scientist Competition. On Monday morning a woman came in and talked about our Mini Companies and see how the process was going on. Fortunately the woman said our idea was brilliant so that was good to hear.