Monday, March 28, 2011

Cultural Trip

On March 24th, All of TY's went to Town, getting there by bus of course. We left in the morning after nine, i think! We arrived and got off the bus to go into the W.B Yeats Exhibition. I didn't think it would be too interesting but then as we got into it, it got some what interesting! We learned that he wasn't too good academically, being quite bad at Latin and other languages The exhibition was interesting and W.B Yeats life seemed very interesting. He was a part of a group who believed in tarot readings and cards etc. I found that interesting. We were allowed to wander around the exhibition and look at the stuff ourselves. The tour guide was good and gave a good insight into his life. We then left that building.

We moved into the National Museum and got a tour around the period of 'Mesolithic - Late Bronze Age'. It was interesting learning about that even though we learned it in History, it was good to touch up on it! We got brought around the different periods in time and then moved into the 'Bog Bodies' section and got to see a real life bog body, it was sooo cool and really interesting. I was stunned because it just was so hard to believe that it was once a person, was mad! After that we got to have our lunch.

I went to spar and got a chicken fillet and put into my roll, we then headed up to McD's and ate our food, it was grand. After that went to M&S and got their chocooo chip cookies, only the best cookies ever :D and then slowly walked back to the Museum to meet up with the rest of them.

After that we over to the Art Gallery and got a tour around the Jack.B.Yeats exhibition, W.B.Yeats brother, the artist. At the start of his career, he painted realism but at the end of his career, he was an expressionist. The change in his paintings were verrry different from the start to the end, was interesting to see the different categories. The tour was good and I enjoyed it.

Overall the whole day was very good and I'm glad I went.

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